Dr. George M. Ella, Theologe und Historiker, ist Dozent für Reformationsgeschichte
E-Mail: george.ella@bucer.de
Website: www.evangelica.de
Dr. George M. Ella, geboren in England 1939, stammt aus der Gemeinde von Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Er studierte Theologie, Geschichte, Bibliothekswissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaften. Seit 32 Jahren lebt er in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
Er war in verschiedenen Funktionen in Lehramt, Prüfungsämtern und Bibliothekswesen tätig. In zahlreichen Büchern hat er insbesondere Leben, Werk und Theologie vergessener reformierte Theologen des 16. bis 18. Jh. untersucht, wie etwa William Cowper, James Hervey, John Gill, Andrew Fuller, William Huntington und Augustus Toplady. Derzeit forscht er über Heinrich Bullinger.
Zur Biografie und Buchliste siehe www.evangelica.de
Dr. George M. Ella was born in England in February 1939, and as a teenager moved to Sweden to continue his training as a Forestry Apprentice. After his conversion he returned to England to study theology. Whilst at the London Bible College, he attended the worship services of the well-known Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Upon graduation at London and Hull Universities, he worked as a school teacher and evangelist among the Lapps. For the past 32 years Dr. Ella has lived in Germany, near the Dutch border. Now retired, his career included work as a Senior Civil Servant, university examiner and writer of curricula for librarian assistants and apprentice retailers for the state’s commercial colleges.
This work included editing and grading textbooks. After adding various external degrees and post-graduate qualifications in theology/literature, business studies, education, history, psychology and library science at Uppsala, Duisburg and Essen universities, he gained a doctorate in English Literature at Duisburg University. He has written a number of books prior to this volume, including works on William Cowper, James Hervey, John Gill, Andrew Fuller, William Huntington and Augustus Toplady. Dr. Ella was nominated for the John Pollock Award by Prof. Timothy George in 2001. A major work on the English Reformation Exiles under Mary I will appear shortly. Dr. Ella has authored numerous biographical essays and doctrinal studies which have appeared in magazines such as the Banner of Truth, the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, the English Churchman, the Baptist Quarterly, Focus, New Focus, the Bible League Quarterly, and the Evangelical Times.
For more details see www.evangelica.de
Publikationen / Publications
- Martin Bucer: Moderator of the Reformation (
MBS-Text 08)
- Henry Bullinger: Shepherd of the Churches (
MBS-Text 09)
- Jan Laski, der paneuropäische Reformator (
MBS-Text 18)
- Jan Laski the Pan-European Reformer (
MBS-Text 19)
- Henry Bullinger and the Covenant of Grace (
MBS-Text 52)
- Providence and Predestination in the Call of the Gospel (
MBS-Text 53)
- Martin Bucer: Concerning the True – Care of Souls (
MBS-Text 133)
- John Durie (1596–1680): Defragmenter of the Reformation (
MBS-Text 148)
- Short article on Bullinger (