Bonner Querschnitte 33/2017 Ausgabe 494 (eng)


Frank Hinkelmann named Vice-President of Martin Bucer Seminary International

(Bonn, 31.08.2017) The international leadership committee of the Martin Bucer Seminary, in which representatives from all national branches collaborate, has selected Dr. Frank Hinkelmann to be the Vice President of Martin Bucer Seminary and, thus, the deputy to the seminary’s President. Hinkelmann is a member of this committee given his position as Chairman of the Austrian branch of the Institute for Theology and Church Growth in Austria (Institut für Theologie und Gemeindebau in Österreich). Furthermore, he is head of the Historical Department at Martin Bucer Seminary.

Martin Bucer Seminary has its headquarter in Bonn (Germany) and is a private theological seminary of an evangelical persuasion operating in the Evangelical-Reformed tradition. The seminary is named after the reformer Martin Bucer. The seminary had 378 students in 2016, of which 151 were in Brazil. In addition, there are about 200 students who study exclusively online.

The national sponsorship consists of the Martin Bucer Seminary e.V. (an association) in Germany, the Martin Bucer Seminary Switzerland, the Institute for Theology and Church Growth in Austria, the Martin Bucer Akademisi in Turkey, the Seminario Martin Bucer in Brazil, the Evangelical Institute in Albania, and the Komensky Institute in Prague. The associations in each country are under national leadership and stand on an equal footing. All associations belong to each respective country’s Evangelical Alliance.

Frank Hinkelmann studied theology in Gießen, Germany and Apeldoorn, Holland and completed doctoral studies at the Free University in Amsterdam. His research focus is in the area of history of missions, the Evangelical movement, Pietism, and Austrian confessional studies. He works full time as a senior executive of an international and cross-denominational mission agency. He was the chairman of the Austrian Evangelical Alliance for 12 years and is currently the president of the European Evangelical Alliance as well as secretary of the International Council of the World Evangelical Alliance. He is an ordained minister in the Protestant Church of Austria and lives with his family in Austria.

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