Bonner Querschnitte 64/2016 Ausgabe 459 (eng)


The World Evangelical Alliance introduces its new leadership structure to global denominations in Rome

Rolf Hille honored for his ecumenical efforts

(Bonn, 20.12.2016) The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) has introduced its new leadership structure to heads of global denominations in the course of the annual meeting of the Conference of Secretaries of Christian World Communions (CSCWC).

In a document from the General Secretary of the WEA, Bishop Efraim Tendero (Manila), which Thomas Schirrmacher presented within the body of his report, the new WEA structure was described. According to the new structure, the executive branch now consists of eight people, namely the general secretary, four deputies, and three “chief officers.” Each of the latter is responsible for structure and organization, public relations work, or for finances, respectively. The deputy general secretaries are no longer generalists as the general secretary has been. Rather, they are specialists in the area for which they are responsible, namely in the following four areas: 1. theology, theological training, ecumenism, dialogue and religious freedom; 2. mission and education; 3. social and public engagement; and 4. contact to the 124 national alliances.

At the annual meeting, which included a meeting with Pope Francis, the WEA was represented by Thomas Schirrmacher, the Deputy General Secretary, who is also responsible for relationships with other churches, and by Thomas K. Johnson, the WEA Ambassador to the Vatican. In addition, Rolf Hille, the longstanding Ecumenical Director of the WEA, and Martin Warnecke, Thomas Schirrmacher’s personal assistant, were also present.

At a dinner for promoting Christian unity, to which the Papal Council had extended an invitation, the General Secretary of the CSCWC, Ganoune Diop (Senegal), and the Chairman of the CSCWC, Martin Junge (Chile), honored departing and longstanding participants of the annual meeting, including the German theologian Rolf Hille. Hille received a plaque (Certificate of Recognition) with an acknowledgment of his many years of contributing to Christians’ faithfully working together.

Original text of the acknowledgment for Rolf Hille:?
The Conference of Secretaries of the Christian World Communions?
Recognizes with deep appreciation the lasting contributions of Prof. Dr. Rolf Hille
?Who participated in the work of the Conference for many years?
Bringing the voice insights and gifts of the World Evangelical Alliance?
Expressing his faith and values?
Sharing convictions while maintaining friendly relations and?
Building bridges between himself and other traditions,?
Displaying a Christ-like demeanor and attitude.?
A persevering spirit in his work of cementing enduring ties within the body of Christ
has been noted with gratitude.
His life work is in itself a fulfillment of the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ

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